Writing on practices and principles to achieve sustainable codebases in iOS for developers and tech firms.
XCTest waiting for expectation timeout does not trigger when using DispatchGroup
Discover how to effectively manage XCTest expectation timeouts when using DispatchGroup in iOS. Uncover the role of the 'wait' function in potentially blocking the main thread during testing, and learn how to mitigate this by scheduling functions on a global dispatch queue. Enhance your iOS testing strategy today.
How to do effective iOS developer meetings using Dependency Diagrams
Explore the power of dependency diagrams in addressing communication issues within iOS development teams. Discover how these visual tools can reduce meeting times, enable parallel development, and detect tightly coupled code to minimize build times.
How to resolve the swiping right action when trying to navigate to a previous screen in iOS.
Are you not being able to use the swipe right behavior when navigating back in your app? In this article I’ll show how to resolve this using the interactivePopGestureRecognizer from the UINavigationController when the top UIViewController has a scrollView in its view.
How to draw images programmatically without Views or UIViews for your Tests
Would you like to gain some performance in your tests by drawing images without needing a UIViewController, UIView, or Views? This article shows how to draw a tiny square image using UIGraphicsImageRenderer without using an UIView/View and in any thread.
The Real Architecture inside MVC - The beginning
Have you always wondered what is the MVC history and wanted to know where it came from? in this article, I will be focusing on the MVC firsts steps and try to answer the who, why, when, and its aftermath.